PlaneSections Documentation

PlaneSections is a lightweight finite element beam bending library built on libraries like PyNite or OpenSeesPy. The goal of PlaneSections is to quickly run beam anayses, and create outputs to document structural calculations. Note, results are only stored at nodes specified by the user - all intermediate values in plots are linearly interpolated

The following website documents all classes and functions the user can access in PlaneSections. The core of the program is the beam class in the builder module. This classes will encapuslate all of the contains all information for loading serve as interfaces for class is the beam, and the user interacts with this class to run their analysis.

The Builder module is used to create the beam and objects that interact with the beam (nodes, loads, etc.). The Analysis module is used to analyze the beam using PyNite or OpenSeesPy and document the results. The Diagram module is used to plot representations of the beam. The Postprocess module is used to plot outputs of the analysis, including force diagrams and deflections

Note that the core classes and API are complete, but development is still in progress. Expect some sytax changes before final release, however deprication warnings will be given for breaking changes.

Install using:

pip -m install planesections

Install with optional dependancies for opensees solver using:

pip -m install planesections[opensees]

A simple script is shown below:

import planesections as ps
import numpy as np

# Define node locations, and support conditions
L = 5
beam = ps.newEulerBeam2D(L)

# Define beam and fixities
pinned = [1,1,0]
beam.setFixity(L*0.1, pinned, label = '1')
beam.setFixity(L*0.9, pinned)

# Define loads
Pz = -1
beam.addVerticalLoad(0, Pz, label = 'A')
beam.addVerticalLoad(L*0.5, 2*Pz, label = 'B')
beam.addVerticalLoad(L, Pz, label = 'C')
beam.addDistLoadVertical(0, L, Pz)
beam.addDistLoadVertical(1, L*0.3, 5*Pz)

# Plot the beam diagram

# Run the analysis
analysis = ps.PyNiteAnalyzer2D(beam)

# Plot the SFD and BMD

Developed by

Christian Slotboom

M.A.Sc. Structural Engineering
Engineer in Training

Indices and tables