1.2.2. 3D Node

A 3D node with six degrees of freedom, ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, rz.

class planesections.builder.Node3D(x: float, fixity: list | str | Fixity, label: str = '')[source]

Bases: Node

Represents a node 3D. Nodes have labels and IDs and fixities. The Label is a name the user assigns to the node and will be displayed in plots.

The ID is a unique name that OpenSees will read. ID - 1 will be the position in the beam node array. As new nodes are added, the IDs will be sorted and updated so that they are always increasing from left to right.

  • x (float) – The postion of the node.

  • fixity (fixity, list) – In 3D, the fixity can be input as either a fixtiy object, or a list of the input fixities for each possible degree of freedom. Each node will have six degree of freedoms; [x, y, :math:`theta`x] 1 represents a fixed condition, 0 represents a free conditon. e.x. [1,1,0,1,1,1] A pin conneciton that’s fixed in x/y and fixed all in rotation DOF.

  • label (str, optional) – A name for the node. This can be displayed in the plots. The default is ‘’.


Unsupported for 3D beams.