1.3.2. Fixities

A custom fixity class. Note all fixities can be replaced by a list of appropriate size with a 1 if the DOF is fixed, and 0 if it is free.

class planesections.builder.Fixity(name: str, fixityValues: list[int])[source]

Bases: object

class planesections.builder.FixityTypes2D[source]

Bases: object

Used to generate possible fixity types. Currently the supported types for 2D fixities are free, roller, pinned, and fixed. The Fixity class can be used to dispatch each of these objects with it’s relevant “get” methods.

Note each fixity types will all be set equal to the same object as opposed to new objects being created.

Takes input of:
  • ‘free’

  • ‘roller’

  • ‘pinned’

  • ‘fixed’

fixed = <Fixity type fixed with [1, 1, 1].>
free = <Fixity type free with [0, 0, 0].>
classmethod getFixed()[source]

Returns a fixed support.

classmethod getFree()[source]

Returns a free support.

classmethod getPinned()[source]

Returns a pinned support.

classmethod getRoller()[source]

Returns a roller support.

pinned = <Fixity type pinned with [1, 1, 0].>
releaseNames = ['free', 'roller', 'pinned', 'fixed']
releaseTypes = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]
roller = <Fixity type roller with [0, 1, 0].>
types2D = {'fixed': <Fixity type fixed with [1, 1, 1].>, 'free': <Fixity type free with [0, 0, 0].>, 'pinned': <Fixity type pinned with [1, 1, 0].>, 'roller': <Fixity type roller with [0, 1, 0].>}